About Us
The formation of Singapore Institutional Research Integrity Offices Network (SIRION) was announced at the conclusion of the Joint Conference on Research Integrity on 22 Oct 2018, and the first meeting was held on 11 Apr 2019.
SIRION serves as a platform for local research institutions to discuss and share best practices in order to promote the responsible conduct of research in Singapore. The Committee comprises of senior representatives from all local autonomous universities and healthcare clusters with observers from key funding agencies, thereby serving as a point of reference and advisory on matters of research integrity for participating institutions and other stakeholders locally. SIRION hopes to develop the local research integrity climate by creating a uniform and transparent approach in the handling of research integrity matters whilst keeping the research community up to date in relation to current and emerging global standards, practices and initiatives.
The establishment of SIRION in 2019 was highlighted in a Nature News article here.

SIRION Members
Member Institutes |
Prof Andy Hor (SIRION Chair) |
Deputy Chief Executive (Research) |
Mr Suresh Sachi |
Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate) & General Counsel |
Prof Barry Halliwell |
Senior Advisor, Academic Appointments and Research Excellence, Office of the Provost NUS; Chairman, BMRC Advisory Council A*STAR |
Assoc Prof Roderick Bates |
Research Integrity Officer |
Assoc Prof Low Chian Ming |
Chief Academic and Research Compliance and Integrity Officer |
Prof Ng Siu Choon |
Director, Office of the President |
Assoc Prof Desmond Chong |
Chair of Research Integrity Committee |
Mr Andy Chan |
Director, Applied Research Office |
Prof Tang Hang Wu |
Associate Provost (Research Governance) |
Assoc Prof Randolph Tan |
Director of Research |
Assoc Prof U-Xuan Tan |
Chair of SUTD Institutional Review Board |
SingHealth |
Mr Phang Wee Lee |
Assistant Director, Research Integrity, Compliance & Ethics |
National Healthcare Group |
Ms Ng Hwee Hian |
Director, Office of Human Research Protection Programme |
National University Health System |
Dr Sankari Ramanathan |
Director, Research Office |
SIRION Observers
Observer Institutes |
Dr Teo Kien Boon |
Senior Deputy Director, Higher Education Group |
Ms Karen Tan |
Director, Grant Management |
Mr Terence Goh |
Head (Research Grants), Deputy Director |