Poster Presentation

Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts to be submitted in a MS Word Document as an attachment to
Deadline for Poster Abstract Submission: 31 March 2025
Include the following sections in your abstract submission:
a. Title
b. Authors & affiliations
c. Abstract (maximum of 300 words)
Please avoid adding images, charts or diagrams in your abstract; they may be included in the final poster.
Abstracts qualifying for a poster presentation will be announced via email at least 3 weeks before the conference.
Poster Guidelines
To encourage networking and sharing of ideas, poster abstracts submitted by any party (including but not limited to research administrators, researchers, academics, students, librarians, government or ethical boards) will be considered.
Posters should fulfil the purpose of sharing knowledge or standard operating procedures on any of the following topics: research ethics, research integrity, research data management, responsible conduct of research. Purely scientific papers presenting academic findings on artificial intelligence/big data is not suitable for this conference audience.
Successful abstracts will be notified at least 3 weeks before the conference and will be expected to prepare a printed A1-sized, coloured poster of portrait orientation, to be displayed and presented at the conference. Poster printing costs will be borne by the individual.
Poster Judging
Poster presenters (minimum 1 per poster) will be expected to speak to the content of their posters at several designated sessions throughout the conference.
Awards will be presented to the top 3 posters.